
EsbRootView is an event display for the ESSnuSB detectors.

For a general presentation, as EsbRootView had been presented at vCHEP 2021 conference, the best is to read the paper:

EsbRootView paper at vCHEP-2021

and see the slides:

EsbRootView slides at vCHEP-2021 20th May 2021

The version 1.0 was more a proof concept that we can read the ESSnuSB root files (detector and events) and do the connection with the softinex graphics running on most interactive devices we have today. The versions 2.x (2.0.0 released end Sep 2019) come with more physics and the bash-like insh scripting that permits to cover, with the same program, various detectors as the "neard", the "fard" and the "fgd" ones. The version 3.0.0 permits to see the deployment of cherenkov "smoke rings" and have a WebAssembly version. The version 4.0.0 is fully insh scripted including the main GUI panel, and comes with a terminal mode for the WebAssembly version.

If you are "keyboard oriented/driven" and delight to type commands, the desktop versions (macOS, Linux, Windows/CYGWIN, Windows/WSL) come with a insh terminal mode for which you will find back the good old "echo", the double tab completion, the "history", the variables, the $ replacement, the great backquoting, and some other goodies that make any UNIX so enjoyable. (We do not have yet the forever pipe but... it is in the pipeline, if we may say). The idea here is to reuse the power and the logic of bash, which is known by any UNIX pedestrian, and combine it with dedicated visualization and plotting commands attached to the ESSnuSB event and detector models. In principle this should permit to anyone to tune dedicated visualizations with a quite flat learning curve at the level of the scripting itself.

Before starting, you have to read at least the "The setups" section.

The general interactive (mouse and touch driven) behaviour of the app is described in the "App general behaviour" section of the softinex portal. Waiting some specific demos, as the general behaviour of this app is similar to the MEMPHYS_vis and pmx ones, you can see the demos of these on YouTube. Search here "Guy Barrand channel" and then "videos".