
Note that a MEMPHYS package does not contain anymore the visualization.

See MEMPHYS_vis for that.

To run MEMPHYS_sim from an unfolded distribution file :

    UNIX> cd <install_path>/MEMPHYS/<version>
    UNIX> <if needed edit setenv_g4data[.sh,.csh] to point to geant4 data file directories>
   Linux> <if needed source setup a gcc_[version].[sh,csh] file to have the correct g++ run time>
   ( csh> source gcc_493.csh # on Lund iridium )
      sh> . ./ )
   ( csh> source ./setenv_g4data.csh )
    UNIX> cd exa_run
    UNIX> ../bin/MEMPHYS_sim  # it produces a MEMPHYS.root file.

To analyse a MEMPHYS.root file produced by a MEMPHYS_sim program by using programs done with softinex tools :

    UNIX> ../bin/MEMPHYS_read_plot_offscreen  # on the default MEMPHYS.root file.
    UNIX> ../bin/MEMPHYS_read_plot            # on the default MEMPHYS.root file.

Note that the MEMPHYS_read_plot_offscreen program produces read_plot_offscreen[.png,.ps,] files without the need to tie to any interactive GUI and graphics system.

To analyse a MEMPHYS root file with CERN-ROOT :

    UNIX> cd <install_path>/MEMPHYS/<version>
    UNIX> <if needed edit ./cern_root_setup[.sh,.csh] to setup CERN-ROOT environment>
      sh> . ./
   ( csh> source ./cern_root_setup.csh )
    UNIX> cd ./exa_run 
    UNIX> root ./analysis.C  # to work on the default MEMPHYS.root file.