g4tools  5.4.0
tools::histo::h3df Member List

This is the complete list of members for tools::histo::h3df, including all inherited members.

_find_offset(int aI, int aJ, int aK, unsigned int &a_offset) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
add(const h3 &a_histo)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
add_annotation(const std::string &a_key, const std::string &a_value)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
all_entries() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
annotation(const std::string &a_key, std::string &a_value) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
annotations() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
annotations()tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
annotations_t typedeftools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
axis_t typedeftools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
axis_x() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
axis_x()tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
axis_y() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
axis_y()tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
axis_z() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
axis_z()tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
AxisX enum valuetools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >protected
AxisY enum valuetools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >protected
AxisZ enum valuetools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >protected
b3(const std::string &a_title, bn_t aXnumber, double aXmin, double aXmax, bn_t aYnumber, double aYmin, double aYmax, bn_t aZnumber, double aZmin, double aZmax)tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
b3(const std::string &a_title, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_x, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_y, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_z)tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
b3(const b3 &a_from)tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_add(const base_histo &a_histo)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_allocate()tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_divide(const base_histo &a_histo)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_from_data(const hd_t &a_from)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_get_data() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_histo()tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_histo(const base_histo &a_from)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_histo_t typedeftools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
base_multiply(const base_histo &a_histo)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_multiply(float a_factor)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_reset()tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_subtract(const base_histo &a_histo)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
bin_center_x(int aI) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_center_y(int aJ) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_center_z(int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_entries(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_entries_x(int aI) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_entries_y(int aJ) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_entries_z(int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_error(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlinevirtual
bin_height(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_height_x(int aI) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_height_y(int aJ) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_height_z(int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_mean_x(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_mean_y(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_mean_z(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_rms_x(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_rms_y(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bin_rms_z(int aI, int aJ, int aK) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bins_entries() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bins_sum_w() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bins_sum_w2() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bins_sum_x2w() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bins_sum_xw() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
bn_t typedeftools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
configure(bn_t aXnumber, double aXmin, double aXmax, bn_t aYnumber, double aYmin, double aYmax, bn_t aZnumber, double aZmin, double aZmax)tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
configure(const std::vector< double > &a_edges_x, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_y, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_z)tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >::configure(dim_t a_dim, const std::vector< bn_t > &aNumbers, const std::vector< double > &aMins, const std::vector< double > &aMaxs)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >::configure(dim_t a_dim, const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &a_edges)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
coord_to_index_x(double aCoord) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
coord_to_index_y(double aCoord) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
coord_to_index_z(double aCoord) consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
coordinate_t typedeftools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
copy_from_data(const hd_t &a_from)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
dac() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
dim_t typedeftools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
dimension() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
divide(const h3 &a_histo)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
entries() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
equals(const base_histo &a_from, const float &a_prec, float(*a_fabs)(float)) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >::equals(const histo_data &a_from, const float &a_prec, float(*a_fabs)(float)) consttools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inlineprotected
equals_TH(const h3 &a_from, const float &a_prec, float(*a_fabs)(float)) consttools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >::equals_TH(const histo_data &a_from, const float &a_prec, float(*a_fabs)(float), bool a_cmp_bin_Sw2) consttools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inline
equivalent_bin_entries() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
extra_entries() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
fill(double aX, double aY, double aZ, float aWeight=1)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
Fill(double aX, double aY, double aZ, float aWeight=1)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_all_Sw_Sw2(float &a_sw, float &a_sw2) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_axis(int a_index) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_bin_content(bn_t a_ibin, bn_t a_jbin, bn_t a_kbin, unsigned int &a_entries, float &a_Sw, float &a_Sw2, double &a_Sxw, double &a_Sx2w, double &a_Syw, double &a_Sy2w, double &a_Szw, double &a_Sz2w)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_bin_entries(const std::vector< int > &aIs) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
get_bin_height(unsigned int a_offset) consttools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotectedvirtual
get_bins() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_dimension() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_histo_data() consttools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_in_range_Sw() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_in_range_Sw2() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_ith_axis_mean(dim_t a_axis, double &a_value) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
get_ith_axis_rms(dim_t a_axis, double &a_value) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
get_ith_axis_Sx2w(dim_t a_axis, double &a_value) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_ith_axis_Sxw(dim_t a_axis, double &a_value) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_Sw_Sw2(float &a_sw, float &a_sw2) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
get_title() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
h3(const std::string &a_title, bn_t aXnumber, double aXmin, double aXmax, bn_t aYnumber, double aYmin, double aYmax, bn_t aZnumber, double aZmin, double aZmax)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
h3(const std::string &a_title, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_x, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_y, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_z)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
h3(const h3 &a_from)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
h3df(const std::string &a_title, unsigned int aXnumber, float aXmin, float aXmax, unsigned int aYnumber, float aYmin, float aYmax, unsigned int aZnumber, float aZmin, float aZmax)tools::histo::h3dfinline
h3df(const std::string &a_title, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_x, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_y, const std::vector< double > &a_edges_z)tools::histo::h3dfinline
h3df(const h3df &a_from)tools::histo::h3dfinline
has_entries_per_bin() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
hd_t typedeftools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
height_t typedeftools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
histo_data()tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inlineprotected
histo_data(const histo_data &a_from)tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inlineprotected
hprint(std::ostream &a_out)tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
hprint_annotations(std::ostream &a_out)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
in_range_planes_xyw() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
is_compatible(const base_histo &a_histo)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
is_valid() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
m_all_entriestools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_annotationstools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_axestools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_bin_entriestools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_bin_numbertools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_bin_Swtools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_bin_Sw2tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_bin_Sx2wtools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_bin_Sxwtools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_dimensiontools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_in_range_entriestools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_in_range_plane_Sxywtools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_in_range_Swtools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_in_range_Sw2tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_in_range_Sx2wtools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_in_range_Sxwtools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
m_titletools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >protected
max_bin_height() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
max_bin_height_with_entries(float &a_value) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
mean_x() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
mean_y() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
mean_z() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
min_bin_height() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
min_bin_height_with_entries(float &a_value) consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
multiply(float a_factor)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
multiply(const h3 &a_histo)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
not_a_profile() consttools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
num_entries_t typedeftools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
number_of_planes() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
offset_t typedeftools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
operator=(const h3df &a_from)tools::histo::h3dfinline
h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >::operator=(const h3 &a_from)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >::operator=(const b3 &a_from)tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >::operator=(const base_histo &a_from)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotected
histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >::operator=(const histo_data &a_from)tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inline
reset()tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
reset_fast_getters()tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inlineprotected
rms_x() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
rms_y() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
rms_z() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
s_cls() consttools::histo::h3dfinline
scale(float a_factor)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
set_annotations(const annotations_t &a_annotations)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
set_bin_content(bn_t a_ibin, bn_t a_jbin, bn_t a_kbin, unsigned int a_entries, float a_Sw, float a_Sw2, double a_Sxw, double a_Sx2w, double a_Syw, double a_Sy2w, double a_Szw, double a_Sz2w)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
set_title(const std::string &a_title)tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
subtract(const h3 &a_histo)tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
sum_all_bin_heights() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
sum_bin_heights() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
sum_extra_bin_heights() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
Sxyw() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
Syzw() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
Szxw() consttools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
title() consttools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inline
update_fast_getters()tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inlineprotected
weight_t typedeftools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >
~b3()tools::histo::b3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlinevirtual
~base_histo()tools::histo::base_histo< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlineprotectedvirtual
~h3()tools::histo::h3< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float, float >inlinevirtual
~histo_data()tools::histo::histo_data< double, unsigned int, unsigned int, float >inlineprotectedvirtual