This is the complete list of members for tools::raxml, including all inherited members.
add_default_readers() | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotected |
add_reader(const std::string &a_class, reader a_reader, bool a_check=false) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotected |
add_tag(const std::string &a_tag) | tools::xml::loader | inline |
aidas() | tools::xml::aidas | inline |
aidas(const aidas &) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotected |
axis_index(unsigned int a_dim, const std::string &a_axis, int &a_index) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
bn_t typedef | tools::xml::aidas | protected |
character_data_handler(void *aUserData, const XML_Char *a_string, int aLength) | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotectedstatic |
clear() | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotected |
clear_readers() | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotected |
empty() | tools::xml::loader | inline |
end_element(void *aUserData, const XML_Char *a_name) | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotectedstatic |
errors() const | tools::xml::loader | inline |
find_reader(const std::string &a_class) const | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotected |
is_tag(const std::string &a_string) const | tools::xml::loader | inline |
load_buffer(size_t aSize, const char *aBuffer) | tools::xml::loader | inline |
load_file(const std::string &a_file, bool a_compressed) | tools::raxml | inline |
load_string(const std::string &a_string) | tools::xml::loader | inline |
loader(tools::xml::factory &a_factory, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose=false) | tools::xml::loader | inline |
loader(const loader &a_from) | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotected |
m_abort | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_atbs | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_compressed_reader | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_current | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_depth | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_errors | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_factory | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_objects | tools::xml::aidas | protected |
m_out | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_read_tag | tools::raxml | protected |
m_readers | tools::xml::aidas | protected |
m_tags | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_take_cntrl | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_top | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_value | tools::xml::loader | protected |
m_verbose | tools::xml::loader | protected |
objects() | tools::xml::aidas | inline |
operator=(const raxml &a_from) | tools::raxml | inlineprotected |
tools::xml::aidas::operator=(const aidas &) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotected |
tools::xml::loader::operator=(const loader &a_from) | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotected |
out() const | tools::xml::loader | inline |
parse_buffer(size_t aSize, const char *aBuffer, XML_StartElementHandler a_start, XML_EndElementHandler a_end, void *a_tag) | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotected |
parse_file(const std::string &a_file, XML_StartElementHandler a_start, XML_EndElementHandler a_end, void *a_tag, bool a_compressed) | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotected |
pd_data typedef | tools::xml::aidas | protected |
raxml(tools::xml::factory &a_fac, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose=false) | tools::raxml | inline |
raxml(const raxml &a_from) | tools::raxml | inlineprotected |
read_axis(tree &a_tree, unsigned int a_dim, int &aAxis, bn_t &aNumberOfBins, double &aMin, double &aMax, std::vector< double > &aEdges, bool &aVariableBins, std::ostream &) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_bins(tree &a_tree, pd_data &aData, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_is_prof) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_cloud(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, int a_dim) | tools::xml::aidas | inlinestatic |
read_cloud1d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_cloud2d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_cloud3d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_cloud_data(tree &a_tree, histo::c1d &aCloud, bool a_verbose, std::ostream &a_out) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_cloud_data(tree &a_tree, histo::c2d &aCloud, bool a_verbose, std::ostream &a_out) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_cloud_data(tree &a_tree, histo::c3d &aCloud, bool a_verbose, std::ostream &a_out) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_dps(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_dps_data(tree &a_tree, histo::dps &a_dps) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_h1d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_h2d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_h3d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_histo(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, unsigned int a_dim, bool a_is_prof) | tools::xml::aidas | inlinestatic |
read_ntu(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_ntu_columns(tree &a_tree, bool &a_found, std::vector< colbook > &a_booking, std::ostream &a_out) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_ntu_rows(tree &a_tree, aida::base_ntu &a_ntu, bool &a_found, std::ostream &a_out) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_p1d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
read_p2d(tree &a_tree, std::ostream &a_out, bool a_verbose, void *) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
reader typedef | tools::xml::aidas | |
readers typedef | tools::xml::aidas | |
set_compressed_reader(tools::file::reader *aReader) | tools::xml::loader | inline |
set_default_tags(std::vector< std::string > &a_tags) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotected |
set_read_tag(void *a_tag) | tools::raxml | inline |
set_tags(const std::vector< std::string > &a_tags) | tools::xml::loader | inline |
set_take_cntrl_chars(bool a_value) | tools::xml::loader | inline |
start_element(void *aUserData, const XML_Char *a_name, const XML_Char **a_atbs) | tools::xml::loader | inlineprotectedstatic |
to_double(const std::string &a_s, double &a_v, std::ostream &a_out, const std::string &a_what) | tools::xml::aidas | inlineprotectedstatic |
top_item() const | tools::xml::loader | inline |
top_item() | tools::xml::loader | inline |
visit_end_element(tools::xml::tree &, bool &a_keep) | tools::xml::loader | inlinevirtual |
~aidas() | tools::xml::aidas | inlinevirtual |
~loader() | tools::xml::loader | inlinevirtual |
~raxml() | tools::raxml | inlinevirtual |