This is the complete list of members for tools::xml::tree, including all inherited members.
add_attribute(const std::string &a_name, const std::string &a_value) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
add_child(tree *a_tree) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
add_element(const std::string &a_name, const std::vector< atb > &a_atbs, const std::string &a_value) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
atb typedef | tools::xml::tree | |
attribute_value(const std::string &a_atb, std::string &a_value) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
attribute_value(const std::string &a_atb, T &a_value) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
attributes() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
cast(cid a_class) const | tools::xml::tree | inlinevirtual |
cast(const std::string &a_class) const | tools::xml::tree | inlinevirtual |
check_item(tree &a_tree, void *a_tag) | tools::xml::tree | inlinestatic |
childs() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
clear() | tools::xml::tree | inlineprotected |
collect_by_attribute(tree &a_tree, const std::string &a_tag, std::vector< tree * > &a_items) | tools::xml::tree | inlinestatic |
collect_by_tag(tree &a_tree, const std::string &a_tag, std::vector< tree * > &a_items) | tools::xml::tree | inlinestatic |
copy(const tree &a_from, copy_what a_what=copy_all, bool a_clear=true) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
copy_all enum value | tools::xml::tree | |
copy_attributes enum value | tools::xml::tree | |
copy_children enum value | tools::xml::tree | |
copy_elements enum value | tools::xml::tree | |
copy_what enum name | tools::xml::tree | |
create_copy(tree *a_parent) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
delete_element(const std::string &a_name) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
delete_element(element *a_element) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
delete_sub_elems() | tools::xml::tree | inline |
delete_sub_trees() | tools::xml::tree | inline |
depth() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
dump_xml(std::ostream &a_out, const std::string &a_spaces="") | tools::xml::tree | inline |
element_atb_value(const std::string &a_elem, const std::string &a_atb, std::string &a_value) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
element_atb_value(const std::string &a_elem, const std::string &a_atb, T &a_value) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
element_value(const std::string &a_name, std::string &a_value) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
element_value_boolean(const std::string &a_name, bool &a_value) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
element_values(const std::string &a_name, std::vector< std::string > &a_values) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
exec_func typedef | tools::xml::tree | |
file() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
find_by_attribute(const std::string &a_atb, const std::string &a_value, bool a_up_down=true, bool a_left_right=true) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
find_by_element_in_same_level(const std::string &a_name, const std::string &a_value) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
find_by_tag(const std::string &a_tag) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
find_item(const std::string &a_name) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
find_item_with_tag(const std::string &a_tag, const std::string &a_name) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
get_data(void *&a_data_1, void *&a_data_2, int &a_data_int) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
get_data1() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
get_data2() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
get_data_int() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
has_empty_attribute_value(std::ostream &a_out) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
id_class() | tools::xml::tree | inlinestatic |
invalidate() | tools::xml::tree | inlinevirtual |
is_attribute(const std::string &a_name) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
is_element(const std::string &a_name) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
m_atbs | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_childs | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_data_1 | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_data_2 | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_data_int | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_depth | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_factory | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_file | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_parent | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_save | tools::xml::tree | protected |
m_tag_name | tools::xml::tree | protected |
number_of_trees() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
operator=(const tree &) | tools::xml::tree | inlineprotected |
parent() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
post_execute(exec_func a_function, void *a_tag) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
post_execute_backward(exec_func a_function, void *a_tag) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
remove_attribute(const std::string &a_name) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
remove_attributes(const std::string &a_atb) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
remove_child(tree *&a_tree, bool a_delete=true) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
remove_elements(const std::string &a_name) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
replace(const std::string &a_old, const std::string &a_new) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
replace_child(tree *a_old, tree *a_new) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
save_flag() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_attribute_value(const std::string &a_atb, const std::string &a_value) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_attributes(const std::vector< atb > &a_atbs) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_data(void *a_data_1, void *a_data_2, int a_data_int) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_depth(unsigned int a_depth) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_element_atb_value(const std::string &a_elem, const std::string &a_atb, const std::string &a_value, int a_index=0) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_element_value(const std::string &a_name, const std::string &a_value, int a_index=0) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_file(const std::string &a_file) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_parent(tree *a_parent) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
set_save_flag(bool a_value) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
sub_elems(std::list< element * > &a_list) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
sub_trees(std::list< tree * > &a_list) const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
tag_name() const | tools::xml::tree | inline |
tree(const std::string &a_tag_name, factory &a_factory, tree *a_parent) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
tree(const tree &a_from) | tools::xml::tree | inlineprotected |
unique(std::vector< tree * > &a_items) | tools::xml::tree | inlinestatic |
update_tree(const tree &a_old) | tools::xml::tree | inline |
~ielem() | tools::xml::ielem | inlinevirtual |
~tree() | tools::xml::tree | inlinevirtual |