
For the desktop versions (macOS, Linux, Windows/DOS, Windows/CYGWIN,Windows/WSL), you can start the program with the "-terminal" argument and then have an insh prompt:

    Linux> <install_path>/g4view/<version>/bin/g4view -terminal
   (macOS> <install_path>/g4view/<version>/g4view.app/Contents/MacOS/g4view -terminal)
   (  DOS> <install_path>\g4view\<version>\bin\g4view.exe -terminal)

You can already change the prompt by proceeding as for a Bourne shell by defining the PS1 variable in your .insh:

    PS1='g4view> '

and after restarting you should have:



The terminal prompt handles an history file. The logic is the same as for a bash prompt:

    $ history
 470 scene_clear_dynamic
 471 g4_pv_ls
 472 exit
 473 history
    $ !470
    $ !471
    $ !!


By typing twice the tab key, you activate the completion and have the list of available commands.

On good part of commands, you have a help text that you can read by using the help command:

    $ help echo
    $ help g4_pv_ls

See the "help text of commands" section for a raw dump of the commands help texts.