
A distribution comes with the directory:


As for examples/py_root (see the Python section), here are the original examples (found in examples/f77_hbook) but where the examples using COMIS, as the mandel.f for the pawex10.kumac example, is replaced with a C version (mandel.c). In this case gopaw will attempt to do an on the fly compilation and loading of the C file. If using this feature you must take care of tuning properly the scripts:

 for Windows:

Obviously a compiler must be available, along material to build a plugin. On Linux and macOS, if you have the g++ (c++) command available on your prompt you will have nothing to do. On a Windows, you must have "source setup" VisualC++ so that the commands CL.EXE and LINK.exe be available from your DOS prompt.

If all is ok, you execute the pawex10.kumac C/C++ version with:

    UNIX> cd <some_path>/examples/cpp_root  # have a local copy.
    UNIX> <start gopaw> 
 on Windows:
     DOS> cd <some_path>\examples\cpp_root  # have a local copy
     DOS> <start gopaw> 
   GOPAW> exec pawex10

We put here mandel.c:

/*function*/ double mandel(double XP,double YP) {

  double X,Y,XX,YY,TT;
  int NMAX = 30;
  int N;

  for(N=1;N<=NMAX;N++) {
    if(4.<(XX*XX+YY*YY)) break;

  return ((float)N)/((float)NMAX);

(In py_root, the _root comes from the fact that manipulation of .hbook files had been replaced with manipulation of .root files).