histos and ntuples in a CERN-ROOT file

With the inlib/wroot classes you can write histograms and ntuples in a file at the CERN-ROOT format. Here an "ntuple" is understood as a "flat TTree". With inlib/rroot classes you can read this kind of file. And if the zip compression is used, the exlib/rroot code permits to read "zip compressed" files. You can have a writing example with :

    cd <path to inlib>
    cd examples/cpp
    c++ -I../.. wroot.cpp

The program produces the wroot.root file that you can read with :

    <source setup CERN-ROOT>  # in order to have root in your PATH.
    root ../../../exlib/examples/cern_root/rroot.C

You should see something as :


You can also dump the list of "TKeys" of wroot.root by using the exlib/example/cpp/rroot.cpp program :

    cd <path to exlib>
    cd examples/cpp
    ./build rroot.cpp
    Linux> ./bin_gnu/rroot -ls ../../../inlib/examples/cpp/wroot.root

You should see something as :

format version 40000
object : "rg_rbw", class : TTree
object : "rg_rbw_2", class : TTree
object : "empty", class : TTree
directory : histo
 object : "rg", class : TH1D
 object : "rf", class : TH1F
 object : "prof", class : TProfile

The rpawdemo.cpp program

The rpawdemo.cpp program permits to read and dump an histo from the pawdemo.root file that comes from the distribution.

    cd <path to exlib>
    cd examples/cpp
    ./build rpawdemo.cpp
    cp ../../data/pawdemo.root .
    Linux> ./bin_gnu/rpawdemo
 ( Darwin> ./bin_clan/rpawdemo )
 ( cygwin> ./bin_visual/rpawdemo.exe )

You should see something as :

size of h10 : 900
 * ENTRIES = 10000 * ALL CHANNELS = 7314 * UNDERFLOW = 14 * OVERFLOW = 14
 * BIN WID = 0.06 * MEAN VALUE = 0.00538966 * R . M . S = 1.1085
 * ENTRIES[0]   = 0 * HEIGHT[0] = 3 * ERROR[0] = 0
 * ENTRIES[N/2] = 0 * HEIGHT[N/2] = 127 * ERROR[N/2] = 0
 * ENTRIES[N-1] = 0 * HEIGHT[N-1] = 1 * ERROR[N-1] = 0
// Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
// See the file exlib.license for terms.

//exlib_build_use exlib inlib csz

#include <inlib/mem>

#include <inlib/args>
#include <inlib/rroot/file>
#include <inlib/rroot/streamers>

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

int main(int argc,char** argv) {

#ifdef INLIB_MEM

  inlib::args args(argc,argv);

  bool verbose = args.is_arg("-verbose");

  std::string file = "pawdemo.root";
  inlib::rroot::file rfile(std::cout,file,verbose);

  inlib::rroot::key* key = rfile.dir().find_key("h10");
  if(!key) {
    std::cout << "key for h10 not found." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  unsigned int sz;
  char* buf = key->get_object_buffer(rfile,sz);
  if(!buf) {
    std::cout << "can't get data buffer for h10." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  std::cout << "size of h10 : " << sz << std::endl;

  inlib::rroot::buffer b(std::cout,rfile.byte_swap(),sz,buf,key->key_length(),verbose);
  inlib::histo::h1d* h = inlib::rroot::TH1F_stream(b); //we get ownership on h.
  if(!h) {
    std::cout << "streaming failed for h10." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;


  delete h;
#ifdef INLIB_MEM

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The wroot.cpp program

// Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
// See the file inlib.license for terms.

//  This program produces a wroot.root file.
//  See rroot.C for an example of how to manipulate
// (and check !) the content of this file with CERN-ROOT.

//inlib_build_use kernel


#ifdef INLIB_MEM
#include <inlib/mem>
#endif //INLIB_MEM

#include <inlib/wroot/file>
#include <inlib/wroot/to>

#include <inlib/histo/h1d>
#include <inlib/histo/h2d>
#include <inlib/histo/h3d>
#include <inlib/histo/p1d>
#include <inlib/histo/p2d>
#include <inlib/wroot/ntuple>

#include <inlib/histo/h1df>

#include <inlib/randd>
#include <inlib/randf>

#include <inlib/rroot/file>
#include <inlib/rroot/ntuple>
#include <inlib/rroot/fac>
#include <inlib/eqT>

#include <exlib/zlib>

#include <inlib/args>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

int main(int argc,char** argv) {

#ifdef INLIB_MEM
#endif //INLIB_MEM
  inlib::args args(argc,argv);

  bool verbose = args.is_arg("-verbose");

  bool row_wise = args.is_arg("-row_wise");
  /// create a .root file : ////////////////////////////////
  if(verbose) std::cout << (row_wise?"row_wise":"column_wise") << std::endl;
  std::string file = "wroot.root";
 {inlib::wroot::file rfile(std::cout,file);
  } else {

  bool osc_stream = args.is_arg("-osc");

  inlib::wroot::directory* dir = rfile.dir().mkdir("histo");
  if(!dir) {
    std::cout << "can't create diectory." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  //inlib::wroot::directory* dxxx = dir->mkdir("xxx");
  //if(!dxxx) {
  //  std::cout << "can't create diectory." << std::endl;
  //  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /// create some histos : /////////////////////////////////

  unsigned int num_megas;
  args.find<unsigned int>("-megas",num_megas,1);

  unsigned int entries = num_megas*1000000;

  inlib::rgaussd rg(1,2);
  inlib::rbwd rbw(0,1);

 {inlib::histo::h1d h("Gauss",100,-5,5);
  for(unsigned int count=0;count<entries;count++) h.fill(rg.shoot(),1.4);
  // plotting hints :
  h.add_annotation(inlib::histo::key_axis_x_title(),"rand gauss");
  if(verbose) {
    std::cout << "h1d : " << h.title()
              << ", all entries " << h.all_entries()
              << ", entries " << h.entries()
              << ", mean " << h.mean() << ", rms " << h.rms()
              << std::endl;
  // write :
  if(osc_stream) {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to_osc(*dir,h,"rg")) return EXIT_FAILURE;
  } else {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to(*dir,h,"rg")) return EXIT_FAILURE;

 {inlib::rgaussf rf(1,2);
  inlib::histo::h1df h("GaussF",100,-5,5);
  for(unsigned int count=0;count<entries;count++) h.fill(rf.shoot(),1.4f);
  // plotting hints :
  h.add_annotation(inlib::histo::key_axis_x_title(),"rand gauss");
  if(verbose) {
    std::cout << "h1df : " << h.title()
              << ", all entries " << h.all_entries()
              << ", entries " << h.entries()
              << ", mean " << h.mean() << ", rms " << h.rms()
              << std::endl;
  // write :
  if(!inlib::wroot::to(*dir,h,"rf")) return EXIT_FAILURE;}

 {inlib::histo::p1d h("Profile",100,-5,5,-2,2);
  for(unsigned int count=0;count<entries;count++) h.fill(rg.shoot(),rbw.shoot(),1);
  if(verbose) {
    std::cout << "p1d : " << h.title()
              << ", all entries " << h.all_entries()
              << ", entries " << h.entries()
              << ", mean " << h.mean() << ", rms " << h.rms()
              << std::endl;
  if(osc_stream) {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to_osc(*dir,h,"prof")) return EXIT_FAILURE;
  } else {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to(*dir,h,"prof")) return EXIT_FAILURE;

 {inlib::histo::h2d h("Gauss_BW",20,-5,5,20,-2,2);
  for(unsigned int count=0;count<entries;count++) h.fill(rg.shoot(),rbw.shoot(),0.8);
  //plotting hints :
  h.add_annotation(inlib::histo::key_axis_x_title(),"rand gauss");
  h.add_annotation(inlib::histo::key_axis_y_title(),"rand bw");
  if(verbose) {
    std::cout << "h2d : " << h.title()
              << ", all entries " << h.all_entries()
              << ", entries " << h.entries()
              << ", mean_x " << h.mean_x() << ", rms_x " << h.rms_x()
              << ", mean_y " << h.mean_y() << ", rms_y " << h.rms_y()
              << std::endl;
  // write :
  if(osc_stream) {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to_osc(*dir,h,"rgbw")) return EXIT_FAILURE;
  } else {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to(*dir,h,"rgbw")) return EXIT_FAILURE;

 {inlib::histo::p2d h("Profile2D",100,-5,5,100,-5,5,-2,2);
  for(unsigned int count=0;count<entries;count++) h.fill(rg.shoot(),rg.shoot(),rbw.shoot(),1);
  if(verbose) {
    std::cout << "p2d : " << h.title()
              << ", all entries " << h.all_entries()
              << ", entries " << h.entries()
              << ", mean_x " << h.mean_x() << ", rms_x " << h.rms_x()
              << ", mean_y " << h.mean_y() << ", rms_y " << h.rms_y()
              << std::endl;
  if(osc_stream) {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to_osc(*dir,h,"prof2D")) return EXIT_FAILURE;
  } else {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to(*dir,h,"prof2D")) return EXIT_FAILURE;

 {inlib::histo::h3d h("Gauss_Gauss_BW",20,-5,5,20,-5,5,20,-2,2);
  for(unsigned int count=0;count<entries;count++) h.fill(rg.shoot(),rg.shoot(),rbw.shoot(),0.8);
  //plotting hints :
  h.add_annotation(inlib::histo::key_axis_x_title(),"rand gauss");
  h.add_annotation(inlib::histo::key_axis_y_title(),"rand gauss");
  h.add_annotation(inlib::histo::key_axis_z_title(),"rand bw");
  if(verbose) {
    std::cout << "h3d : " << h.title()
              << ", all entries " << h.all_entries()
              << ", entries " << h.entries()
              << ", mean_x " << h.mean_x() << ", rms_x " << h.rms_x()
              << ", mean_y " << h.mean_y() << ", rms_y " << h.rms_y()
              << ", mean_z " << h.mean_z() << ", rms_z " << h.rms_z()
              << std::endl;
  // write :
  if(osc_stream) {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to_osc(*dir,h,"rggbw")) return EXIT_FAILURE;
  } else {
    if(!inlib::wroot::to(*dir,h,"rggbw")) return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /// create and fill a ntuple : ///////////////////////////
 {//WARNING : the ntuple can't be on the stack. It is owned by the directory.
  inlib::wroot::ntuple* ntu = new inlib::wroot::ntuple(rfile.dir(),"rg_rbw","Randoms",row_wise);
  inlib::wroot::ntuple::column<int>* col_count = ntu->create_column<int>("count");
  inlib::wroot::ntuple::column<double>* col_rgauss = ntu->create_column<double>("rgauss");
  inlib::wroot::ntuple::column<float>* col_rbw = ntu->create_column<float>("rbw");
  inlib::wroot::ntuple::column_string* col_str = ntu->create_column_string("string");

  std::vector<float> user_vec_f;
  ntu->create_column_vector_ref<float>("vec_float",user_vec_f); //pass the ref of user_vec_f.
  inlib::wroot::ntuple::std_vector_column<double>* col_vec_d = ntu->create_column_vector<double>("vec_d");
  std::vector<std::string> user_vec_s;
    entries = 300000000; //to test >2Gbytes file.

  inlib::rtausmed rflat;
  unsigned int vec_float_count = 0;
  unsigned int vec_double_count = 0;
  inlib::rbwf rbwf(0,1);
  std::string stmp;
  for(unsigned int count=0;count<entries;count++) {    
    if(!col_count->fill(count)) {
      std::cout << "col_count fill failed." << std::endl;
    if(!col_rgauss->fill(rg.shoot())) {
      std::cout << "col_rgauss fill failed." << std::endl;
    if(!col_rbw->fill(rbwf.shoot())) {
      std::cout << "col_rbw fill failed." << std::endl;
    if(!col_str->fill("str "+stmp)) {
      std::cout << "col_str fill failed." << std::endl;

    unsigned int number = (unsigned int)(10*rflat.shoot());
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<number;i++) {
    vec_float_count += number;}

   {std::vector<double>& user_vec_d = col_vec_d->variable();
    unsigned int number = row_wise ? count%100 : (unsigned int)(10*rflat.shoot());
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<number;i++) {
    vec_double_count += number;}

    unsigned int number = row_wise ? count%5 : (unsigned int)(5*rflat.shoot());
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<number;i++) {
    if(!ntu->add_row()) {
      std::cout << "ntuple fill failed." << std::endl;
  if(verbose) {
    std::cout << "vec_float_count " << vec_float_count << std::endl;
    std::cout << "vec_double_count " << vec_double_count << std::endl;
  /// create a ntuple from a ntuple_booking object. ////////
 {inlib::ntuple_booking nbk("rg_rbw_2","Randoms");

  inlib::wroot::ntuple* ntu = new inlib::wroot::ntuple(rfile.dir(),nbk);
  if(ntu->columns().size()) {

    inlib::wroot::ntuple::column<double>* col_rgauss = ntu->find_column<double>("rgauss");
    inlib::wroot::ntuple::column<float>* col_rbw = ntu->find_column<float>("rbw");
    inlib::wroot::ntuple::column_string* col_str = ntu->find_column_string("string");

    inlib::rbwf rbwf(0,1);
    std::string stmp;
    for(unsigned int count=0;count<1000;count++) {    
      if(!col_rgauss->fill(rg.shoot())) {
        std::cout << "col_rgauss fill failed." << std::endl;
      if(!col_rbw->fill(rbwf.shoot())) {
        std::cout << "col_rbw fill failed." << std::endl;
      if(!col_str->fill("str "+stmp)) {
        std::cout << "col_str fill failed." << std::endl;
      if(!ntu->add_row()) {
        std::cout << "ntuple fill failed." << std::endl;

  /// consistency check : create an empty ntuple : /////////
 {inlib::wroot::ntuple* ntu = new inlib::wroot::ntuple(rfile.dir(),"empty","empty");

  /// write and close file : ///////////////////////////////
 {unsigned int n;
  if(!rfile.write(n)) {
    std::cout << "file write failed." << std::endl;

  /// read the file : //////////////////////////////////////
#include "read_root.icc"

#ifdef INLIB_MEM
#endif //INLIB_MEM

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The rroot.cpp program

// Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
// See the file exlib.license for terms.

//exlib_build_use exlib inlib csz zlib

#ifdef INLIB_MEM
#include <inlib/mem>
#endif //INLIB_MEM

#include <inlib/args>
#include <inlib/fileis>

#include <inlib/rroot/file>
#include <inlib/rroot/rall>

#include <inlib/rroot/ntuple>
#include <inlib/ntuple_binding>

#include <exlib/zlib>

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

int main(int argc,char** argv) {

#ifdef INLIB_MEM
#endif //INLIB_MEM

  inlib::args args(argc,argv);

  std::string file;
  if(!args.file(file)) {
    std::cout << "give a root file." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  bool verbose = args.is_arg("-verbose");
  bool ls = args.is_arg("-ls");
  bool dump = args.is_arg("-dump");

 {bool is;
  if(!is) {
    std::cout << " file is not a root file." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  inlib::rroot::file rfile(std::cout,file,verbose);

  if(ls) {
    std::cout << "format version " << rfile.version() << std::endl;
  const std::vector<inlib::rroot::key*>& keys = rfile.dir().keys();

  /// if reading the wroot.root produced with wroot.cpp : ///////
 {inlib::rroot::TDirectory* dir = inlib::rroot::find_dir(rfile.dir(),"histo");
  if(dir) {
   {inlib::rroot::key* key = dir->find_key("rg");
    if(key) {
      inlib::histo::h1d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_h1d(rfile,*key);
      if(h) {
        std::cout << "h1d : " << h->title()
                  << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                  << ", entries " << h->entries()
                  << ", mean " << h->mean() << ", rms " << h->rms()
                  << std::endl;
        delete h;
   {inlib::rroot::key* key = dir->find_key("rf");
    if(key) {
      inlib::histo::h1d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_h1d(rfile,*key);
      if(h) {
        std::cout << "h1d : " << h->title()
                  << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                  << ", entries " << h->entries()
                  << ", mean " << h->mean() << ", rms " << h->rms()
                  << std::endl;
        delete h;
   {inlib::rroot::key* key = dir->find_key("rgbw");
    if(key) {
      inlib::histo::h2d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_h2d(rfile,*key);
      if(h) {
        std::cout << "h2d : " << h->title()
                  << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                  << ", entries " << h->entries()
                  << ", mean_x " << h->mean_x() << ", rms_x " << h->rms_x()
                  << ", mean_y " << h->mean_y() << ", rms_y " << h->rms_y()
                  << std::endl;
        delete h;
   {inlib::rroot::key* key = dir->find_key("prof");
    if(key) {
      inlib::histo::p1d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_p1d(rfile,*key);
      if(h) {
        std::cout << "p1d : " << h->title()
                  << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                  << ", entries " << h->entries()
                  << ", mean " << h->mean() << ", rms " << h->rms()
                  << std::endl;
        delete h;
   {inlib::rroot::key* key = dir->find_key("prof2D");
    if(key) {
      inlib::histo::p2d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_p2d(rfile,*key);
      if(h) {
        std::cout << "p2d : " << h->title()
                  << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                  << ", entries " << h->entries()
                  << ", mean_x " << h->mean_x() << ", rms_x " << h->rms_x()
                  << ", mean_y " << h->mean_y() << ", rms_y " << h->rms_y()
                  << std::endl;
        delete h;
   {inlib::rroot::key* key = dir->find_key("rggbw");
    if(key) {
      inlib::histo::h3d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_h3d(rfile,*key);
      if(h) {
        std::cout << "h3d : " << h->title()
                  << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                  << ", entries " << h->entries()
                  << ", mean_x " << h->mean_x() << ", rms_x " << h->rms_x()
                  << ", mean_y " << h->mean_y() << ", rms_y " << h->rms_y()
                  << ", mean_z " << h->mean_z() << ", rms_z " << h->rms_z()
                  << std::endl;
        delete h;
    delete dir; 
  // read an ntuple from inlib/examples/cpp/wroot.cpp, wroot_pntuple.cpp, pwroot.cpp : ///
 {inlib::rroot::key* key = rfile.dir().find_key("rg_rbw");
  if(key) {
    unsigned int sz;
    char* buf = key->get_object_buffer(rfile,sz);
    if(!buf) {
      std::cout << "can't get data buffer for ntuple." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    inlib::rroot::buffer b(std::cout,rfile.byte_swap(),sz,buf,key->key_length(),verbose);
    inlib::rroot::fac fac(std::cout);
    inlib::rroot::tree tree(rfile,fac);
    if(!tree.stream(b)) {
      std::cout << "TTree streaming failed." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    tree.dump(std::cout,"","  ");
    //inlib::uint64 entries = tree.entries();
   {for(inlib::uint32 i=0;i<5;i++){
      if(!tree.show(std::cout,i)) {
        std::cout << "show failed for entry " << i << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
   {inlib::uint64 entries = tree.entries();  
    for(inlib::uint64 i=inlib::mx<inlib::int64>(5,entries-5);i<entries;i++){
      if(!tree.show(std::cout,(inlib::uint32)i)) {
        std::cout << "show failed for entry " << i << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // read with the flat ntuple API :
   {inlib::rroot::ntuple ntu(tree); //use the flat ntuple API.
    double user_rgauss;
    std::string user_string;
    inlib::ntuple_binding nbd;
    if(!ntu.initialize(std::cout,nbd)) {
      std::cout << "can't initialize ntuple with ntuple_binding." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    inlib::histo::h1d hg("rgauss",100,-5,5);
    unsigned int count = 0;
      if(!ntu.get_row()) {
        std::cout << "get_row() failed." << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
      if(count<5) std::cout << "user_string " << user_string << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ntuple_binding(rgauss) : " << hg.mean() << " " << hg.rms() << std::endl;}


  /// if reading the pawdemo.root : /////////////////////////////
 {inlib::rroot::key* key = rfile.dir().find_key("h10");
  if(key) {
    inlib::histo::h1d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_h1d(rfile,*key);
    if(h) {
      std::cout << "h1d : h10"
                << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                << ", entries " << h->entries()
                << ", mean " << h->mean() << ", rms " << h->rms()
                << std::endl;
      delete h;

  /// if reading the prof.root produced with croot_TProfile.cpp : /////
 {inlib::rroot::key* key = rfile.dir().find_key("prof");
  if(key) {
    inlib::histo::p1d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_p1d(rfile,*key);
    if(h) {
      std::cout << "p1d : prof"
                << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                << ", entries " << h->entries()
                << ", mean " << h->mean() << ", rms " << h->rms()
                << std::endl;
      delete h;
 {inlib::rroot::key* key = rfile.dir().find_key("prof2D");
  if(key) {
    inlib::histo::p2d* h = inlib::rroot::key_to_p2d(rfile,*key);
    if(h) {
      std::cout << "p2d : prof"
                << ", all_entries " << h->all_entries()
                << ", entries " << h->entries()
                << ", mean_x " << h->mean_x() << ", rms_x " << h->rms_x()
                << ", mean_y " << h->mean_y() << ", rms_y " << h->rms_y()
                << std::endl;
      delete h;

#ifdef INLIB_MEM
#endif //INLIB_MEM

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;